miss.u tour – 三峽一日遊 / 싼샤 데이투어 / 三峡貸切ツアー 


集合時間:    9:00 AM
集合地點:    台北車站東三門

INFO. Language : English OK. 中文 OK. 日本語 OK. 한국어 OK. le français OK.


10:00 – 11:30 專人導覽三峽老街巡禮

[三峽長福巖清水祖師廟] + [三峽老街古蹟古厝] +  [藍染體驗DIY]

三峽, 舊名三角湧, 清朝乾隆年間聚落成形, 商業活動非常繁盛. 三峽山區產大菁 (可製作染料), 再加上三峽溪水的良好水質, 以及淡水河便利航運, 因此三峽成為藍染產業發展的重要集散地. 染布, , 樟腦為三峽過去最大的三大資產. 三峽祖師廟由李梅樹藝術家主持進行改建, 歷經三次改建, 建造技術匠心獨具,精雕細琢, 使得祖師廟不僅僅是三峽人的信仰中心, 在莊嚴的宗教氣息中, 增添珍貴的藝術價值, 更有東方藝術殿堂的美名

** 贈送三峽有名的小點牛角麵包一份

12:00 – 16:30 大板根森林遊樂區  Great Roots Forestry Spa Resort

大板根森林遊樂區總佔地約十七公頃, 位於海拔不到300公尺, 但卻擁有全台灣唯一僅存的低海拔原生板根亞熱帶雨林. 其藤蔓, 昆蟲, 植物生態之豐富令人嘆為觀止, 且保存有完整六百多種百年以上之植物. 我們將在此停留一下午, 讓您好好享受滿滿的芬多精, 代謝您細胞裡多餘的壓力.
大板根森林溫泉渡假村擁有無色無味頂級的碳酸氫鈉鹽泉, 也是我們常稱的美人湯. 享受完森林spa後, 您可以在露天spa溫泉中釋放所有疲憊.

** 今日午餐於大板根太子西餐廳享用
** 露天spa溫泉可加價升等私秘湯屋


17:30 返回台北晚餐

永康商圈聚集了許多台灣小吃與餐廳, 異國美食餐廳, 許多風格獨具的咖啡館, 以及一些精品小店. 米其林 “必比登” 推介餐廳之一鼎泰豐本店也位於此. 好吃好逛的永康商圈總是吸引國內外朋友前來朝聖.
** 今日晚餐於永康街輝哥石頭火鍋享用
** 晚餐後隨即於永康街就地解散, 您可以繼續在永康街逛街, 也可以搭乘便利的台北捷運繼續台北的夜生活



9:00 Collet at Taipei Main Station East Gate 3
9:00 – 11:30 Sanxia Old Street +  Qingshui Zushi Temple + Blue Dye DIY

The Sanxia Old Street is about 260 meters long and with over 100 old street houses, and featuring Baroque style archways architectures. The street has been an important business area since the Qing dynasty, with dazzlingly abundant cuisines.Nearby “Sanxia Dye Workshop” is the best place for an unique blue dye DIY product and knowing the blue dye culture. Then enjoy intricate works of beautiful stone carvings at the “Qingshui Zushi Temple”, reputed as an “Art Gallery of the East”.
** Will give popular desert “Golden Bull Horns (Croissant)” as present

12:00 – 16:30 Great Roots Resort
Indulge in nature with the Great Roots Resort, breath in and release all your stress. In our rainforest park, there are different kinds of stunning buttress root plants, giant vines, and forest as high as the clouds. It is a gem in the Sanxia area waiting for you to discover.

Hot spring is the ancient secret to beautiful skin. There is no better way to restart you with a hot spring spa in nature. Experience all kinds of hot spring facilities we have in the resort and you will feel rejuvenated after your stay here.

** Lunch in Crown Prince Reatarant
** You can upgrade outdoor hot spring spa to hot spring room

17:30 Dinner in Yong Kang Shopping Zone
Yong Kang Shopping Zone is full of Taiwanese snack stands and restaurants, then gradually many exotic cuisines, stylish cafes and fine boutique stores gathered around here. It always attracts many people at night or during the weekends.

** Dinner: Taiwanese hot pot
** Will finish today’s tour after dinner. You can go shopping in Yong Kang Street, or can continue Taipei attractive night life by Taipei Metro

Group size: 6 guests
Package including: english guide / lunch / dinner / DIY material fee / outdoor hot spring fee



集合場所:  Taipei Main Station East Gate 3
集合時間:  8:00 AM

09:00 – 11:30 三峡にて , 清水厳祖師廟 , 老街散策 ,藍染 DIY
** お土産  台湾式クロワッサン

12:00 – 16:30   Great Roots Forestry Spa Resort
** ランチ: 大板根太子西餐廳
** 露天spa溫泉

17:30 台北永康街- 大人気 シャブシャブ- 解散
** 夕食: 永康街輝哥石頭火鍋

最少催行人数: 6名
送迎: あり
食事条件: 昼食/夕食 2回料金に含まれる
送迎サービス、英語ガイド、往復バス代、藍染 DIY代、昼食夕食 代


ハンディキャップ情報 1. 階段をご自身で上がれる方 ○
2. ご自身での階段昇降は無理であるが
  介助者がご同行いただくことで昇降が可能な方 ○
3. 介助者が同行する車椅子ご利用の方
※お申し込み時に予めお知らせください。 –
(○:ご参加いただけます -:ご参加いただけません)
催行日の8日前の18:00以降.・・・・ 旅行代金の30%
催行日の前日(18:00まで)・・・・ 旅行代金の50%
催行日の前日の18:00以降及び無連絡不参加の場合・・・・ 旅行代金の100%









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